BAYERN Coin - cryptocurrency made in GermanyIt is not just a coin. It is tradition, bavarian heart and modern development as state of the art. Crpytocurrency as a normal part of our digital world. One of our vision is to integrate BAVARIA COIN (BY) or BAYERN COIN into daily live as a fast, secure and “normal” way of payments. So you should be able to buy your items, goods and beer at the famous Octoberfest in Munich.
But that´s not the top of the list. Participating of its increasing value, it is like collection coins to have them in your own wallet.
On the other hand often people ask us “how is it about Bitcoin?” “What are these cryptocurrencies?”.
Part of our mission is also to answer those question in a way as anyone can understand and use it. Therefore we especially configured and programmed very small and really energy saving computers (about just 2.0 to 3.5 Watt power consumption). With an already installed wallet and – ta ta – a nice amount of BAVARIA COINS (BYC) in that pre-installet wallet.
Means you buy a small piece of hardware with some digital COINS already included.
Des is ned nua a Münzn. Des is a unsane Dradition, as boayrische Heaz und modeanste Entwicklung – wie ses es heitzutog hoid gehört. Digidales Goid gehört ganz normal zu unsam täglichn Lebn. A Vision homma scho a, sichanes zoin, übaoi aff da Welt. Und logisch, as Bier aff da Wies´n konnst dann a damit zoin.
Und weil des allaweil a mehre Wert werd, host a no in a boar Joar wos davo. Drum pock da de BAVARIA COIN oder mia sogn ma a BAYERN COINs in dein digitalen Goidbeidl eina.
“Wos issn des mi denen Biddkoins?”, “Für wos braucht ma na des Graffi?”
Ja, genau des sogma und zoagma da. Und zwoar a soo, dassdes a fastehst.
Do homma extra so an kloane computer konfiguriert (na der braucht nur 2-3 Watt Strom, foi de Öko-Kistn). Und hod a no – da schaug her – a nettes Sümmal fo de BAVARIA COINS (BYC) im digitaoin Goidbeidl drinnad.
Des hoast du kaffst a kloans Compudda-Kistall mit scho a scheens boar digitale Coin.